Program guide
The Territory of MMA-TV.COM. No.86
MMA Series. Top Welterweight fighters 2023. #1. V.Rudenko, O.Dadonov, J.Gonsalves
MMA-TV.COM Awards 2024. Team of the year. Kuznya
MMA-TV.COM Awards 2024. Team of the year. GM GYM
MMA Series Names. V.Walker
MMA Series-81. Elite Fights. I.Konstantinov, D.Vezhenko, Zh.Tuganbaev, V.Rudenko

Happy to announce upcoming MMA Series-72: All Stars event in Moscow (September 23)! The legendary heavyweight, Pride & Bellator star Sergey Kharitonov (Russia) will debut in MMA Series versus Tiago Groot Cardoso (Brazil) in main fight! Kharitonov don't need any words about his amazing MMA career. Cardoso have 5-1-1 league record. Also you will see the flyweight Grand-prix final: Grigory Mishin (Russia) versus Asan Azizov (Tajikistan). Unbeaten Mishin with the 7-0 league record and highly motivated Azizov with the 2-0 MMA Series record. Great show, world class fightcard and surprises. Tickets on sale now